Grow your Spotify streams and followers (with real humans) in as
little as 3 days - 
with zero work.

(We handle everything. You collect streams, followers, and fans.)

The IMA Agency will build promotion campaigns for you that strategically target real humans who are guaranteed to love your songs. 

We handle all the tech while you continue focusing on what matters most: Making music and connecting with new fans.

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Let’s leverage the most effective career growth strategy available to artists right now >>

  • Guaranteed listeners and followers that interact with your Spotify account (this isn’t just “buying streams”)

  • Customized advertising based on what fits best with your music and artistic vision

  • Optimized for triggering the Spotify Algorithm and for multi-platform growth

Why use “paid ads” to promote music?

One of the biggest myths in music is that you shouldn’t pay for anything to promote your music to new fans. In reality, artists have been using paid advertising to promote their music since music was created. This is what labels do every time they put an ad in a magazine, promote a music video, put a band on a billboard, or anything else.

Quite simply: It is foolish to think you should never use paid advertising. You’re simply choosing to attract less fans, make less money, and be less successful in your career.

The good news is: Today’s advertising landscape is actually better than ever. Why? Because we can use technology to strategically target the ideal fans who have already proven to like music in the same “style” as yours. 

As a result, ads for music promotion provide long-lasting results (assuming you do them correctly). It attracts the most intentional listeners to your catalog. 

This also means we can run creative, yet effective, ad campaigns that are “cool” and exciting to your fans, without coming off as “selling out”.

Our secret to success:
Connecting only with “intentional” listeners of your music…

Getting real streams, from real humans, is the ONLY way to truly build a successful career. 

Why? Because you don’t just want a bigger number on your Spotify stream count. You want to become legitimately influential. And this only comes as a result of having real-life fans who genuinely love listening to your music.

That’s why the standard approach of arbitrarily optimizing for total stream count (or worse, buying fake streams) doesn’t actually work.

Allow me to offer a different approach: 

We run targeted ads using the most powerful advertising tool available: Meta Ads Manager.

This allows us to promote your music on Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, Reels, and more…

If you weren’t already aware, the Meta Ads manager is so powerful that it can actually track the behavior of people who click on your ads. (That’s why you might see repeated ads based on your browsing history, fun fact.)

Users who click on an ad are directed to your music. And they are added to a special “group” in the ads platform. The users who are fake or uninterested in your music are excluded from your audience. Which means they won’t get targeted with more of your ads. 

Over time, the ads algorithm learns which users are ideal.

Using this advanced “signal exclusion” audience-building technique, we are able to guarantee that your music will get streamed by highly intentional listeners.

That way we grow your fanbase with intentional listeners who are guaranteed to listen to your music - repeatedly. Which means they become real long-term fans. 

Furthermore, these highly intentional listeners are likely to perform one of the engagement signals that can trigger the Spotify Algorithm, which provides double the benefit to your Spotify profile, because Spotify will show your music to even more ideal fans.

In this way, you’re not just getting larger numbers on your stream counts - you’re actually growing a die-hard fanbase!

How we avoid “fake” streams

(and save you a ton of money)

As we’ve said, most “paid” music promotion only gets you 1 thing…


These online services mysteriously manipulate your songs to a higher stream count… but clearly do not provide any real traction or growth for the artist.

While this might sound like it provides some benefit, this is simply untrue. In fact, it carries a huge risk. If you pay for fake streams, you can be kicked off Spotify. And the real decision makers in the music industry can spot fake streams a mile away. You won’t get far in this business if that’s your strategy.

However, at IMA, we are able to avoid fake streams entirely with our ads strategy.

How do we do it?

We set up the ads to target listeners based on previous behavior. That means if a user is “fake”, they are omitted from seeing our ads. Not only does this save you money, but it virtually guarantees that all streams come from real people who are genuinely excited to check out your music.

It also means that every dollar you spend on advertising directly builds your career by growing your fanbase. It’s like an ATM machine for new fans!

Sound good so far? Keep reading to see how it all works…

How it works:

Zero headache for the Artist

Growing a music audience is hard work. Thankfully, you won’t need to do the complicated ad setup, video editing, and optimizing required to grow successfully. Our team takes the workload off your shoulders and handles everything - even if you’ve never promoted your music before.

Longevity Minded

Other promotion methods are volatile and unpredictable. Thankfully, we’ll build a campaign that gets immediate results to help you win the “long game” of audience growth. With our slow-and-steady approach, your growth won’t dip back down once our partnership ends.

Transparent Reporting

We understand that it’s crucial to be fully involved in your music campaign. That’s why we provide regular marketing reports so you can understand what’s working and communicate a clear understanding with your label, management team, or bandmates.

Save time, eliminate stress, and reduce advertising risk:

We start with learning about your music to make sure everything is customized for your brand.

We’ll also collect any videos, photos, or brand assets you’d like us to use alongside your audio. If you don’t have anything, no worries, our team will provide a video for you.

We use our pre-optimized accounts to run targeted ads to your Spotify and drive clicks.

This way your social accounts remain untouched and you will never have to worry about us interfering with your existing organic content schedule.

We optimize and improve performance automatically.

You’ll never need to use any complicated ads management platform or choose between complicated settings. We monitor your campaign daily and will make adjustments to keep you on track.

Monthly PDF reports are sent to you so you know exactly how you are growing.

Afraid of spreadsheets? We understand. We will produce a custom graphic with a visual representation of your “Key Performance Indicators” so that anyone from your label to your significant other can understand what’s happening.

You’ll Stay in Communication with Your Campaign Manager

We understand communication channels need to remain open while coordinating an important song release or album promotion. That’s why every client is provided with a campaign manager. If you ever see a problem with your campaign, you’ll never be in the dark about who to contact to have your issue resolved. 

There is no magic button that will get you streams. However, we are confident in our ability to apply the battle-tested marketing strategies that have worked for countless artists before you. Below are the target metrics that we’ll try to hit for your campaign.

Target Metrics:

Cost Per New Listener:

We calculate this by dividing the cost of conversion by the total ad spend. The larger your catalog, the lower your cost per stream will be. Although we have seen artists with fewer than 3 songs perform well also.
Target Range: $0.19 - 0.40

Song Save Rate:

Song Save rate is calculated by taking the total number of song saves and dividing it by the total number of listeners in the same period. We will shoot for a save rate of 10% or more which gives you the highest chance of gaining algorithmic traction on Spotify. Target Range: 5-10%

Playlist Adds:

Playlist ads are yet another way a fan can “save” your song on Spotify and is an excellent indicator of a successful campaign. This metric should be at or around the target Song Save Rate and will bring excellent longevity to your catalog.
Target Range: 5-10%

Radio & Discover Weekly:

When your listeners consistently provide positive engagement on your Spotify Profile (Streams, Song Saves, Playlist Adds) this data signals to Spotify to spread your music far and wide. Triggering the algorithm is never a guarantee, but hitting all the target metrics gives you the best possible chance of achieving this free exposure on Spotify.

These target ranges are just a starting point. We often exceed these benchmarks with artists with great music.

And if, for any reason, we can’t produce growth for your music, you are covered with our risk-free guarantee.

That's right: It's completely risk-free.

If within 30 days we are unable to display measurable follower growth on your Spotify, you’ll have the option to cancel our engagement and receive a full refund on our management fee. Either we deliver on our promises, or you are free to take your hard-earned money somewhere else. 

After the first month of our engagement, we’ll provide you with a detailed report of how your campaign has affected your stats on Spotify. If your follower count has decreased or stayed the same, then you qualify for this full refund on our management fee (Meta ad spend is non-refundable).

Ready to dive in?

Click the button below to choose the package that best fits your budget.

Choose The Campaign Package That Works Best For You.

All packages are available at the link above. Here is an overview of each experience:

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